I am a woman
I have been trained
since birth to pay attention to the subtle, the unspoken
I will notice when the passionate kisses turn to pecks, the I love you to I care about you, the gazes to glances.
I will fight to hold back the silent tears when urgency gives way to indifference, and humor begins to speak in whispers of mocking
I am a woman and I
have been trained since birth to pay attention to the subtle
I will watch with a heavy heart, as gestures of romance become acts of vanilla kindliness,
As passes are by-passed, and my why don’t we's are met with maybe
I am a woman and I
have been trained since birth to pay attention
You may dismiss my quiet weeping as silliness when stock
words of acknowledgement suddenly fill Valentines or anniversary cards
You may respond with annoyance when I ask if you love me
You may tell me it’s all in my head
But I am a woman and
I have been trained since birth
Even if no man had ever left me,
I would know.
I have watched men turn and walk away from
And I know that the final good-bye
The closed door
The empty room after
Was always sung in the
Missed kisses
The silenced I love yous
The averted gazes