Friday, 10 December 2010

The many shades of pink....

Did you know that there are a least (at most?) 32 words which contain the work pink? Well, 31, if you leave off pink itself. Some of them I know, most I had no clue here's the list, along with my personal guesses about the meaning of a few of them -- and dictionary definitions for those of you who simply must know the real meaning.

firepink - I think this is a new color dreamed up by the fashionistas on South Beach ("This season's hottest look will be firepink feathered skirts, topped with..." 

firepinks - The plural of course, always in a sentence with the most improbable combination of colors or in "Consider mixing bold zebra stripes in aqua and orange with your firepinks"

(In reality, at least beyond my own, firepink is an alternate spelling for a wildflower that is, surprisingly, usually quite red.) 
Thank you, U.S. Forest Service for this lovely red "firepink"


pinken - This is the missing brother in the classic children's bedtime poem/fairytale "Winkin, Blinkin and Nod"   After a falling out with the other brothers over the distribution of royalties for their first gig at the Garden (as in the Enchanted, not Madison), Pinkin changed his name to Pinken, and started his solo career as a singing tour guide. Unfortunately, he had incredibly bad luck in picking locations and travelers for his tours, and after the "Real Housewives of New Jersey Luxury Tour of Iraq and Afghanistan" turned out to be an epic fail in late 2009, he disappeared into obscurity, eking out a living delivering singing telegrams and waving down hungry motorists while dressed in a chicken suit.

(As an aside, after their Garden debut, brothers Winkin, Blinkin and Nod shot to the top of the nursery charts, and have graced the walls, blankets and sleepers of babies ever since. No one, however, can sing their theme song well.)

pinkened - A past tense verb used to describe a meteoric fall from imminent success by making a really dumb choice at the worst possible moment. 

pinkening  - A common slang term for shooting yourself in the foot.  Active verb. 

Image from
The real meaning?  This was is "to become more pink"  wow.....

After that let down, I think I will let the rest of you play.

Send me your best, most creative definition for any of the remaining terms on this list.  Post it on your blog and send a link.  Pictures count for extra points.  And just for fun, I will give a random player a surprise gift from sunny but sooo chilly right now South Florida. 


Happy Pink Saturday! 

PS...My favorite holiday movie is "Christmas in Connecticut" -- as a writer, I can soooo completely identify with the main character!


Jillian's Bella Rosa Antiques said...

Pinkly: The reaction one has when seeing the color pink...

Pinkly in a sentence:

"When I saw the pink cotton candy being made I felt all pinkly inside."


Thanks for stopping by my blog. Your definitions were great!

Diann @ The thrifty Groove said...

Wow! this just made me all pinkers inside!

B i r g i t t a said...

Ha ha great job with the dictionary :) In Swedish we have a verb - pinka - but nowerdays not very used.
It is a nice word for - to pee :)

Happy PS!

bj said...

Just the word PINK makes me feel all fuzzy inside. :))
Happy Pink...
xo bj

Rose Brier Studio said...

Pinkoes. n. a condition which can occur when toe shoes are worn too long.

In a sentence:

The prima ballerina discovered she had pinkoes after dancing en pointe for three hours.

love your humor!
Happy Pink Saturday,

Maison Mutt said...

I can't tell you how many times I have pinkeninged myself... well, I tried, ha ha.
Licks & Wags, Niki

Donnie said...

Pinkeye- a bunny with a patch on the other lame I know. Loved your post.

Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

Thanks for educating us on more uses of the word pink and derivatives! I had forgotten how much I used to love watching Christmas in Connecticut! I need to watch that again this year!!


Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents

BrushedByAnAngel said...

I never thought about the many uses of the word pink - but now my mind is racing trying to come up with new ones. Happy Pink Saturday,

Donna said...

Love that movie, too!

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

love your pink post, super creative.

Marie said...

Wonderful wordsmith worthy post. I love pinkly.

Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge
Christmas bracelet giveaway

Catlyn Berry (Cizz) said...

Oh goodness! "Pinkens" are twilight fairies with butterflies wings who are cousins to, but by no means should be mistaken with the "Pinkly" high noon fairies which have wings some what in the appearance of dragon fly wings. It's said that if you ever get a glimpse of a Picken it will cause you to have "Pinkeye" which is actually a blissful condition of seeing pink every Saturday! BUT! to see a "Pinkly" will could cause one to painfully "Pinkening" themselves! LOL!

What pinkishness fun!

Pinkie Blessings'

Miss Rhea said...

Very Pink-formitive ! Hee hee ! :) Happy Pink Saturday !!!

Elaine said...

Learned a few new pinks today... thanks for sharing with us.. Happy weekend..hope it a beautiful pink one.

Mary Bergfeld said...

I never knew that! I'm impressed with what your research wrought and delighted you shared it with us. Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy Pink Saturday. Blessings...Mary

Maggie said...

I love love love this post! As a librarian and English teacher I LOVE words so this is awesome!!!

Happy PS!
In Shoes We Trust,
Maggie Mae @
"Do these shoes match this purse?"

Julie said...

Who knew there were so many words using pink! I don't think I've ever seen Christmas in Connecticut. Happy Pink Saturday.

Olivia said...

Oh my favorite is pinkey! Happy Pink Saturday to all of my sweet pinkey loving friends!
ps stop by i am giving away a pretty romantic bottle

Anonymous said...

Brilliant post and a delightfully pinking one to read and one I will pinkfully follow from now on. :) Happy happy Pink Saturday. xo