Thursday 7 October 2010

Cool breeze, creativity blooming

I walked outside this morning to find....

A cool breeze!  A real, honest-to-goodness, cool breeze!  Really cool!  Like maybe 20-25 degrees cooler than a week or so ago!  For the first time in months!

And with the cool weather comes....

Long walks - around my neighborhood, in the park, at the beach

Big pots of creamy homemade soup for supper

Home-baked bread

Lazy afternoons outside with a good book and a cup of tea

Feeling good when I put on a soft hoodie

...and creativity!  Time to pull out the scrapbooks and art supplies and paints!


Summer Gypsy said...

Good Morning!!

I am so glad that you "stumbled" on my blog today because I was able to follow the path back to your retreat. Your writing is awesome. I am right there with you on these cool mornings. I have so enjoyed waking up to a breeze and the sun's rays which are becoming a bit shy on these crisp days. Have a delightful autumn day creating!


Sarah @ Modern Country Style said...

There's so much to love about Autumn. For example, there are few things I like more than waiting for the children to fo off to school then making myself a lovely cup of milky tea and sitting in the garden, with the cool air blowing around me.

Your post has made me feel all warm and snuggly. Thank you!!

Susan Anderson said...

We're finally getting cooler, too, and I am GLAD!


Jenny said...

What a beautiful blog. It feels so restful and centered here.

I went to answer a few comments you had left on my post about the Cherokee healer but your e-mail isn't linked to your google account.

If you could e-mail me: jennymatlock at cox dot net I wanted to chat a bit about your daughter.

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Which do I say first? :-) How about, that your URL is so cute. "radio active cats" How cool is that? ,-)

Thank you so much for stopping by my blog, and especially for Commenting. Commenting rocks!!! We find new blog friends, thus.

Love your Autumn-feeling entry! Love it! I've so got to get myself into those walks around the neighborhood. Can't *hide behind* "Too hot/humid!" any more! :-)

Gentle hugs...

Unknown said...

Marilyn, I'm glad for the stumble, too! MCS, the tea in the garden sounds sooooo soothing! Maybe this weekend I can do that :-). Sue, amen to getting cooler! I am very happy about it :-) Jenny, I love that you find this space centered...that is high praise indeed! AA's Attic, the URL comes from an art installation I saw several years back in D.C. It was a room == a kitchen actually == with an old couple and cats everywhere...and everything was a kind of radioactive green, from the fridge to the milk being poured into a kitty dish. I also had some very energetic kitties of my own, and it seemed like a good way to describe them! I loved the piece, and my kitties, and so I used it for my blog name.

Enjoy that walk! :-)

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful post on fall joys! I loved pulling on my sweatshirt this morning.

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

I love your blog design..

Very cool, I'll be back after class for a better look!

Unknown said...

JDaniel4's Mom...didn't quite need it yet, but it's heading there! Maybe tonight on the beach, I'll need it...I hope!

Unknown said...

Thanks, RMW...heading over to see your blog after work :-)

The Decorative Dreamer said...

Sounds wonderful! You've mentioned all the things I love about cooler temps too, except scrapbooking! LOL! We finally have cooler weather too. Woohoo!

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

So, I came back to tell you that King's English is my favorite bookstore of all time. I actually live in the mountains, but make up excuses all the time to go down there. I don't know if you remember Caputo's, but they have a place now near King's English and it's my go to place for a book fix and lunch. Thanks for stopping by, I'll be back to visit soon!

Unknown said...

Not only do I know Caputos, I know Mary and Tony Caputo. :-) I used to work with Mary and spent many wonderful Pioneer Days sitting on their lawn watching the fireworks in Liberty Park. :-)

Jackie said...

Hi Lindsey? Nice blog! Last night was a beautiful night for a walk here too . Have a nice weekend.

genie said...

It is really getting chilly here in VA. All of our gas heaters are up and running. I drinking lots more of my flavored teas and craving sweets...that one is NOT good. You were #5 under my CLOCK post, and I am tickled to death to find you and your neat blog. I will definitely be coming back for some return visits. This Sunday Mr. Husband and I are off for a fall leaf and critter scouting hike at a state park not far from our little country house...I CANT WAIT. I think the leaves are going to be just perfection...time for the camera to start working overtime. See yo soon.


mle said...

I love this time of year & the changing of the seasons! You hit on so many of the reasons why!!
have a great weekend : )

sarah said...

lovely thursday post! cooler weather is always welcome in arizona! thanks for your visit, i enjoyed your comments... i love your blog! i be back!.... blessings..s....

Pondside said...

Up here in the Pacific Northwest, those cool breezes are rain-laden. We're having a soggy weekend - but it's a good excuse for a cosy fire.

Christy said...

I love the change of the seasons and the food and activities that go with each! Nice post!

Jenny said...

I like the way you think!

This was such a lovely stop on Alphabe-Thursday's little journey through the letter "C".

We are finally below 100 here but you made me wish for cool weather so I could enjoy all those things to.

Thanks for letting me do them vicariously through your post, though.
