Tuesday 12 June 2007

A video that shows us what we're here for...

I was tagged by Kievas, and went to his site to check it out...there I saw this video. When I finished watching it, and wiped the tears from my eyes, I knew I had to add it to my own blog as well.

The scene at the end where her eyes and the eyes of the child meet -- you can actually see the change in that child's face as they experience the love and the energy (the chi?) this amazing woman offers.

Those who know me, know that for years I have wanted to be a hospital chaplain. I have no delusions that I can be even a fraction of the compassionate being that Mother Teresa is, but perhaps this is G-d's way of letting me be of some use to a few people in need. Hopefully, in the autumn of 2008, I'll be able to start my certification for the chaplaincy program.

Thank you, Kievas, for the tag...and for sharing this video.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're welcome. I'm glad the video touched your life as well.