So today, I'm challenging that idea, with some blue photos that are anything but sad.
The first one is my blue chair. I bought this chair on a whim one day when there was a concert coming up in Long's Park in Lancaster. I usually took blankets to outdoor concerts so my kids could stretch out and relax while we listened. But they were away that night, and I was going solo. So I stopped and bought myself a yummy picnic supper. Then I saw the chair, and added it to my cart. That was the first night in my chair -- sunset, great music, a beautiful park and a delicious supper. In this picture, the chair is on the balcony of my home in Florida. It became a place to listen to the breeze in the trees, and enjoy a cup of tea at the end of the day, or read a book on a Shabbat morning. Now my chair is in the back yard of our home...the home I now share with my kids and a new husband. And it's still a Shabbat morning refuge, a welcome escape from the stress of the week. A blue chair? Yes. Sad. No way.

These are the Wasatch Mountains in Utah. I lived at the base of these mountains for years -- blue sky, blue water. Bluest sky. Bluest water. Nothing sad there.
Aw, come on! Walt Disney World! The incredible Orlando sky, dotted with fluffy white clouds. Lots of blue. Even the roof gables and turrets are blue. Not a trace of sadness!
One more...Mother's Day 2009 at Butterfly World. Yes, I know this isn't a butterfly. But it is a beautiful bit of blue! This bird was fascinated by my hair landed on my shoulder, and decided to stay awhile. And even though it didn't succeed in getting the band loose, I don't think it was sad, even with its brilliant blue head.
So I am feeling blue like the sky and the mountain lake and the ocean...not a bad way to spend a Tuesday :-) Do you have a blue photo you want to share? Send me a link to your blog for Tuesday Blues, and we could make this a regular feature!
1 comment:
Hi ...
I think your cause is excellent, and I wish you all the best, but just random posting on blogs not at all related, and which you obviously have not read is kind of rude. I will leave your post up, but please do not solicit money on my site -- that is NOT what This, That and The Other is about. Thanks!
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