Wednesday, 8 July 2009

Love in action: cooking

Some random thoughts about cooking as an act of love.

  • On my vision board from a couple of years ago, there was a quote snipped from a magazine: Remember the sacred art of nourishing. I try to always keep that in mind as I plan for, shop for and cook meals.

  • My friend Omar always says that he cooks with love. And it's true. Each and every dish he makes is infused with love. You can actually feel it.

  • A Buddhist nun in Salt Lake City, Utah told me that your feelings affect the health and nutrition of the food you cook. If you are feeling grumpy or angry or sad, she said it's best to stay out of the kitchen because those emotions will affect the food and those who eat it.

Tonight I am cooking dinner. On the menu, there will be a homemade arrabiata sauce with sauteed eggplant. A fresh green salad, with baby greens, sliced fruit and nuts. For dessert, chilled peaches, maybe even with kasiri cheese if I get to Whole Foods in time. And in each dish, there will be love.


LancelotSofla said...

It was yummy and could tell it was made with love.

Unknown said...

Next time...the best of Thailand! Or maybe India....or Greece??? Depends on the inspiration of the moment.