Friday 9 April 2010

Good advice for a Friday...

My kids grew up in Central PA. Okay, so two of them were born in Utah, but they grew up amid corn fields and farms and cows in PA.. And another part of being a kid (or a parent of little kids) in South Central PA was going to Steven Courtney concerts.

At the schools, in the park, at FamilyFest -- there was always a Steven Courtney concert. But unlike parents in other areas who have to deal with bad music in the name of kids' concerts, Steven was and is a very talented performer.

I haven't seen one of his performances since we moved, but I recently stumbled across this video on YouTube. So I wanted to share...the perfect message for all of us, every day...enjoy.

And if you're every in Central PA, check out a Steven Courtney won't be disappointed. (If you're reading this on Facebook, click through to the original post to see the video...Facebook Notes lose the videos!)

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