Tuesday 6 March 2012

Dear Scruffy

Polly, my dear friend, my sister-from-another-family, lost her canine companion Scruffy yesterday. When I saw her post about him, I started to cry.  These furry, cuddly beings aren't pets...they are part of our families.

So for you, Polly, here is my letter to Scruffy...

Dear Scruffy:

I heard last night that you had left Polly's side to cross the Rainbow Bridge.But before you join friends and family on the other side of the bridge, I hope you have a moment to listen to what you meant to those of us here.

When I met you, I was uncertain about Yorkies.  One of your distant cousins had nipped me as a child -- he was a nervous unhappy Yorkie.  But I didn't know any others....until I met you.

You were one of the sweetest, happiest, most loving little beings I've ever met.  I will always remember taking turns with Cat and Rachel to hold your leash on outings, and being greeted with your fuzzy kisses at Jazz Brunches and Flashback dinners.

On camping trips, we were always happy to see your family arrive, but you were that extra little shot of fun, scampering around on your tiny legs, anxious to join in.

I know Polly will miss you.  But we will too.  So as you head over the Bridge, take with you our love.  I've sent good thoughts ahead of you to my own much loved and much missed doggie friends Misha, Christopher, Pastchio, Cindy, Penny and all my wonderful kitties...I hope they will welcome you.  Tell them I said hello.

All of us

1 comment:

LancelotSofla said...

Scruffy was indeed a sweet puppy. Too small to be called a dog.

I'm sure Mike and Polly will miss him :(