Thursday, 5 August 2010

Working on my goals...

I know how important it is to have goals.  And I know that paying attention to those goals is essential for success.

So in a spirit of combining the Mussar technique of writing about and then working on our weaknesses or issues, and the Stephen Covey model of "Begin with the end in mind", I have started a goal journal.  I divided it into sections for the most important areas of my & marriage, spirit, finance, career, art & creativity, health & fitness, home & surroundings, knowledge and experience.  (Covey Model of "First Things First")

In each section, I have written one goal -- one item that I really think is weak or missing or needs work.

Each day, I will write SOMETHING in each section.  A word.  A sentence.  Or draw an image.  Just to keep me paying attention to the goal everyday (Mussar model of keeping the work areas in front of our consciousness.)

Do I expect miraculous transformations?  Transformations, definitely. That is the point.  Even the process and the journey are transformational.

But miracles?  Maybe that too. Because changing something essential in our lives is a bit of a miracle. It requires that we stop and focus long enough to evaluate our issues, identify a goal level, and work towards it.  It also requires faith that G-d and the universe are cheering us on...and that -- that alone -- is a miracle. And becoming more of the person I was meant to be in this lifetime?  A definite miracle :-)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks Joven! Heading over to visit yours now :-)